Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Olympic Games 2008

October 16, 2007

Olympic Games 2008 in China

Olympic Games 2008 in China. More at ko htike’s.

New Site Online!

September 30, 2007

If you want you may take a look at the “Free Burma!” campaign’s new site:!

It contains nearly the same content like our wiki, where the work will go on. If you want to help – you’re welcome!

I would like to find many of you in the official supporters list which you can find on our new site. I really hope it will contain thousands of entries on October 4th – and that you all will take part in the Free Burma! campaign.

I recently wrote a letter to Esra’a of MidEast Youth, who has joined our action within 15 minutes. Remember: That could have been you. Do it! Free Burma!

Free Burma!

Action Free Burma!

September 29, 2007

Netizens all over the world support the peaceful revolution in Burma.

We want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons. Bloggers and Webmasters are planning to close down their Blogs and Websites on October 4th and just post one Banner then, underlined with the words „Free Burma!“.

If you want to take part, please look at our wiki here. It’s written in English as well as in German, French and Italian. You may also have a look at our flickr group, where we collect graphics to be shown on October 4th at our Blogs.

We hope, that Bloggers all over the world will take part in this action to support Freedom and Peace in Burma.

Free Burma!

September 28, 2007


I hope the Burmese people will win their fight for Freedom, Democracy and Peace. They are heroes. Everyone of them.

On Burma

September 27, 2007

I believe I said it before: I really like Desmond Tutu. He is, if I remember correct, the only Christian Bishop or so I really like. And he recently said something impressing about the revolution in Burma going on:

“The courage of the people of Myanmar is amazing and now they have been joined by their holy men. It is so like the rolling mass action that eventually toppled apartheid”

“We admire our brave sisters and brothers in Myanmar and want them to know that we support their peaceful protests to end a vicious rule of oppression and injustice.”

That doesn’t sound special, but to me, it is. There’s something impressing in his words… something, which, I think, has to do with that situation and the fact he got through something like this before.

I found this quote here when I was adding some blogs to a list of blogs form and / or about Burma:

ko-htike (partly in English)
justice and injustice
Mr. Jade
Burma Gateway (in English)
Mizzima News (in English)
Irrawady News (in English)
Nyein Chan Yar (in English)
Myanmar Media, Education and Development Watch

via Basic Thinking

Pangea Day

September 26, 2007

Some time ago I have linked to the “Pangea Day” project. Today I found a really well done and interesting video about it at Mahmood’s Den:

On the website is said about the project:

Pangea Day taps the power of film to strengthen tolerance and compassion while uniting millions of people to build a better future.

The project’s goal is the bring up film as a connection between people in a world, where they are often divided by borders, differences or conflicts. In a world, where it is easy to loose the sight of what we all have in commen, this project wants to remind and show us, where we can find ourselves in others.

To reach that there will be a live videoconference on May 10, 2008 at different places all over the world. It will include a four hour programm with films, speakers and music.

These films you are told to produce and submit!

Get involved!

Links I

September 14, 2007
  • Pangea Day – “unite the world in a day of film”
  • “I turn into a foreigner” – when the Big Pharao turns into an American
  • “A dirty joke rendered acceptable”